The project aims at providing mentorship and empowerment of the youth with the goal of raising responsible caring citizens and breaking existing cultural barriers to peace. An informed youth is an empowered generation. No doubt that the young people possess a powerful force which is instrumental in building a peaceful, equitable, and industrious society. More so, they possess dreams, hopes, and aspirations which need to be unearthed and nurtured in order for them to grow up and contribute positively to the growth of economy.

Research shows that there are major problems confronting the current generation of youth such as drug and substance abuse, crime, school unrest, teenage motherhood and high rate of unemployment. Further, the surrounding culture is highly polluted by acts of violence, broken families, negative ethnicity, corruption and ineffective leadership. The act of young people engagement in crimes and undesirable behavior tends to put their life on danger and it may even shorten their life span. This calls for collaborative effort in equipping the youth with psychological development traits and soft skills which impacts their capacity to be socially and personally responsible, ethical and self-managed.

The Peace Advocacy Initiative targets the youth in learning institutions as well those in the grassroots communities including faith-based communities. The advocacy includes peace campaigns, media campaigns, service activities, and training youth on moral values and skills development.

“People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway,” Keith Kent

 “Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself,” William Shakespeare

“The best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing,” Theodore Roosevelt

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose,” Dr. Seuss,