The CViL Project seeks to help educational leaders and those aspiring to become educational leaders to understand and cultivate the virtue based practices that will help them thrive in what we know are extremely demanding and immensely influential careers. Research shows that school leaders are largely responsible for establishing the climate of a school and they have significant impact on the well-being and achievement of both teachers and students.

Learn more about the program here


The Plant, Tag and Nurture a Virtue Initiative aims at transforming the mindsets of the young people through nurturing of moral values as they proactively engage themselves in environmental conservation. The project involves students  planting and adopting the trees as well as tagging the trees with positive virtues which they aim to nurture in their life as the tree grows. The students are then observed and mentored by a teacher who keeps evaluating them on how they are practicing the virtues in their daily life.

Learn more about the program here


The project aims at providing mentorship and empowerment of the youth with the goal of raising responsible caring citizens and breaking existing cultural barriers to peace. An informed youth is an empowered generation. No doubt that the young people possess a powerful force which is instrumental in building a peaceful, equitable, and industrious society. More so, they possess dreams, hopes, and aspirations which need to be unearthed and nurtured in order for them to grow up and contribute positively to the growth of economy.

Learn more about the project here