Offers practical research driven strategies designed to steer working relationship between parents, teachers and communities in the interest of nurturing good character and morals into the lives of the young people. The states that “good character consists of understanding, caring about, and acting upon core ethical values.” Character Education refers to systematic initiatives that foster character development of the young people. The true goal of character education is for the young people to internalize moral values.

Effective Character Education is grounded in building positive relationships, development of school culture and has to be informed by research and theory. Also, a philosophy of empowerment is required to be at the heart of the school involving all stakeholders such as teachers, administration, support staff, students, parents and community members. According to Aristotle, “all adults involved with children either help or thwart children’s growth and development, whether we like it, intend it or not.” Thus, there is a need for creating a professional ethical learning community within institutions of learning.

There are two primary purposes of education: academic and character. Research suggests that highly effective character education results in improved school culture and higher academic achievement. Effective Strategies of implementing Character Education includes peer interaction, skills training, professional development for teachers, rigorous academic activities, service opportunities, parent involvement and using multi-component approach in program development.

“Schools are not buildings, curriculum, timetables and meetings. Schools are relationships and interactions among people” David and Roger Johnson

“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace in the society,” President Theodore Roosevelt